Monday, April 24, 2017

The Light of Christ

Hello Family!

Some quick little business things: Transfers are next week, and starting next week we will have our P-Days on Wednesday again. From what we understand, it's not a permanent thing, it's just for this transfer. That way we are able to go to the temple more as a mission! Yay!:)

Here's the funny of the week:) So we walked down into a subway station to get wifi and there was kind of this crazy guy. He was yelling a little bit and pacing the subway station so at first we were a little skeptical and nervous. He came over to us and said, "What's your nametag? . . . oh can I have a Jesus thing? Like a pamphlet or something? I need some more God in my life" We gave him a pamphlet and got his name, Kevin. He said he likes different religions and went to Catholic Church but left after the prayer cause it was boring haha! He's still kind of pacing at this point. Then he stopped, looked at us and said, "I'm about to sin, so I'm just waiting for you to leave. . . I was going to go through the gate, but that's stealing huh."
"Yeah, kind of. . ."
"So I probably shouldn't do it?"
"Mmm. . . Probably not."
". . . Okay. . . I'll go try the bus." (As he shamefully walks away). 
"Good luck, Kevin. Have a good day."
Haha!! It was so funny! But it was really cool to see that even our presence made a difference, and the light of Christ in us brought out the light in him! We all have the light of Christ in us, and he knew on the inside what was right and what was wrong. So let your light so shine before the world, because it truly does make a difference!:)

Here's the miracle of the week:) We were wondering where to go one night, so me and Sister Balley prayed about it, and a less active member came to mind. I told Sister Balley and she was like, ". . .Okay! Let's do it!" So we went and just gave her a little Easter treat and said hi. She let us know she really isn't planning on coming back to church, but she really appreciated the visit and the treat. So that was a little sad and not much came from it, but on our way out, a guy walked in and as we were walking out Sister Balley was like, we need to talk to that guy. So I was like ". . .Okay! Let's do it!" So we found him again and we then had a 30 minute discussion with him! His name is Marcus and he basically has a desire to have more faith, but he just doesnt know how to act on it or how to go about strengthening it. He feels like he's on the wrong road but he wants to be on the right one. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and we could tell that he really is searching for the truth! Sadly he lives in the Bronx, but we sent his information to the Elders there! (We do a lot of finding for people not in our area and then we reassign them to the correct missionaries). It was such a cool experience to have the Spirit work through both of us to find Marcus. We had to rely on the promptings we received, and trust each other with what we were told:)

The surprise of the week is that SAL CAME TO CHURCH!! He totally surprised us haha! He had texted us and said he wasn't really sure if he could come or not because he was up late, 9 is early, and he works at 11. But as we were singing the opening hymn he walked in! He thought he was so funny for surprising us haha;) I would take that surprise any day though!!

The cliff hanger of the week is that we have a new investigator named Dianne:) She's an older woman who was in our areabook. She came to church just over a year ago, and now after recovering from a back surgery we were able to contact her and meet with her again! She is really nice and seems so open and interested in learning more:) Stay tuned for more. . . :)

I love you all and hope you make it a great week!

Love, Sister Johnson 

Snow Monkeys

Grizzly Bears - Oh my!

                                      We watched a fun little Sea Lion show with lots of little tricks as they fed them:)

                                                        Central Park in the Beautiful Springtime

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Happy Easter! :)

Hello Family!!

Happy Easter! I love this time of year where everything starts blooming and hope seems to enter the world again after a time of dark, cold, winter. Just like how after Christ's death it seemed like all hope was lost, until He was resurrected and then all hope returned! I know that our Savior lives. He overcame death and all the struggles we will face in this life, and because of Him and with Him, we can overcome them all too! In church I gave a talk on the resurrection which was really fun! Our assistant ward mission leader spoke on how after Christ's death and before His resurrection he served as a mission president and organized missionary work in the Spirit World. Then our ward mission leader talked about how we can do missionary work in our life just by being honest and open about who we are. We have the greatest message of hope, so don't hide it! It was really great and a creative little Easter program:)

This week I went on a split with Hermana Egbert and she taught me how to PRAY IN SPANISH!! Wahoo! I love it, and on our split I prayed at every apartment we visited! It's so much fun! Spanish comes in handy SO MUCH here because everyone is from the Dominican Republic. They often call Inwood Dominican Heights:) I'm slowly adding to my Spanish vocabulary. Slowly but surely:) I'll get there someday!

Living in New York is such an adventure! For many reasons:) But lately what I love is just the sea of people around me. Each an individual person, but we're all part of God's family. Each in their own little world, but we're all part of His world. In fact, we are His world and we mean the world to Him. It's exciting here to be able to see and meet what seems to be every type of person from all over the world! Sometimes when I sit on the trains, it seems like there really is one of everything ever on each cart! A musician, a doctor, a really organized person, a really athletic person, an old person, a young adventurer, an artist, a singer, a struggling college student, a successful businessman, someone who speaks spanish, someone who speaks english, someone of every skin color and hair color, you name it! It's wonderful:) And it's amazing that Heavenly Father knows each one. He knows their story, He knows where they're at, and He's created a perfect plan that will provide each one of us peace. And that plan was completed and fulfilled because of what we celebrated this weekend. Because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ:)

I'm grateful for our Father's perfect plan, and I'm grateful for this time I have to share it with others! I'm grateful for the things that I have learned here so that I can continue to share it with others when I get home too! I hope you will all be open and honest about who you are and what you believe! We have the greatest message of hope and peace, so don't be afraid to share it! Even, and especially, with those who have it but may have forgotten that they do!:) 

Lots of love from NY:)

Love, Sister Johnson 


I am so grateful for this opportunity to speak on Easter! I love Easter, and I continue to love it more and more each year as my understanding of the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ grows. I'm grateful for this time I have to share what I love about the Resurrection, and I pray that I'll be able to say what our Heavenly Father would have me say. 

When I was serving in Harlem at the beginning of my mission, there were two men who visited our chapel one day and wanted a tour of our church. We walked around to the different rooms and told them about our services and basic beliefs. The last place we went was to the chapel, and to the surprise of the two men, there were no crosses. One of them looked all around and when he was certain there weren't any there he stopped, looked at us, and asked why we don't have any crosses of Jesus Christ. I smiled and told him that the reason we don't have the symbol of the cross is because we don't focus on the fact that Christ died, we celebrate that He lives! The Spirit filled the room when I said that, and I knew it was true. I know that He lives. 

After suffering for all our sins, sorrows, pains, and sicknesses in the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ was crucified and died on Calvary. After three days he rose from the dead. This is His Resurrection. This Easter morning we celebrate His resurrection and that he overcame death! His body and spirit were reunited, never to be separated again. Alma, one of the Book of Mormon prophets teaches us all about the resurrection. He taught that "there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death. . . The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame. . . Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous. . . To be judged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil."

Now to break this up a little, first "there is a death which is called a temporal death" or our physical death. This death is part of God's plan and came included in our earth life experience. We all came to earth and gained a physical body so we could have experience and time to grow and repent with a physical, mortal body subject to death and disease. We gain this physical death (separation of body and spirit) and spiritual death (separation from God) because of the Fall of Adam and Eve. But "the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death." Christ's resurrection made it possible for us to overcome death. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." (1 Cor. 15:22). 

Christ overcame death and He's also overcome all our sufferings. We all deal with physical, mental, and emotional hardships in our life. Things that seem impossible to fix or like they'll last forever. Elder Paul V. Johnson of the Seventy spoke about this in last year's General Conference and said, referring to these sicknesses that we all face in life, "Because of the Resurrection, they have already been cured too. The miracle of resurrection, the ultimate cure, is beyond the power of modern medicine. But it is not beyond the power of God. We know it can be done because the Savior is resurrected and will bring to pass the Resurrection of each of us too." We can overcome death and the challenges we face in life because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Next, Christ's Resurrection brings us hope for improvement and perfection, even though we're surrounded by our imperfections here on earth. These challenges may create discomfort, pain, anguish, and sorrow in this life whether it's physical disabilities, mental illnesses, or the pain of losing a loved one. But Christ's Resurrection truly is the ultimate source of hope. Just like Jesus Christ, our spirit and body "shall be reunited again in its perfect form; (and) both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame. . ." never to be separated again. The verse continues 
 on by saying, "there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame." We will have immortal bodies and never be subject to sickness or death again because of Jesus Christ.

We will all be resurrected and live again because of Jesus Christ's resurrection, "all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous." No matter who we are, resurrection and immortality is a gift given to all of us. In the Bible Dictionary it says "To obtain a resurrection with a Celestial, exalted body is the center point of hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is the most glorious of all messages to mankind." Our Heavenly Father is so loving and wants us all to receive this glorious blessing.

 His Resurrection was necessary for our salvation so that we can all be resurrected to an immortal and perfect state to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father to be judged. "To be judged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil." I know that as we choose to follow Jesus Christ and God's perfect plan, we will not only overcome death because of Jesus Christ, but we can all overcome our sins and mistakes through Jesus Christ and be perfected in Him as well.

During the Sacrament, I was thinking about the resurrection and what it means to me. On the cover of my tablet case I taped on a pass along card with the picture of the resurrected Christ coming out of the tomb. I tried to imagine what it was like then when Christ suffered for our sins, was crucified, and then his body was laid in the tomb. I'm sure for so many people when that stone was rolled over the tomb it felt like all hope was lost. The light of the world was gone. But then three days later, he rose again! That stone was rolled back away and the light of the world, our Savior, returned and all hope was restored again!

The Atonement is not just about Him suffering all the pain and anguish just to suffer for us and die. The reason the Atonement is complete, amazing, and brings us so much hope is because He overcame it all! He lives again! He suffered it all so that He could overcome it in order to help us overcome it. That is the greatest gift and the greatest message. That our loving Heavenly Father has a complete and perfect plan for each one of us that was fulfilled through His Son, Jesus Christ. Through His Atonement, both the suffering and death and the resurrection, we can have hope. We can overcome the challenges and barriers here on earth and all return to our Father in Heaven to be judged for our actions.

I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and all that he's done for us. I know that on this Easter morning he rose from the dead. I know that He lives, and because He lives he is always there to guide, comfort, and help us in our lives through the good and the bad. I know that He lives and that He loves each one of us. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Our matching Easter dresses

Is this not the future???

9/11 Memorial

World Trade Center

My good friend George

view of Brooklyn Bridge


Monday, April 10, 2017

B-day P-Day! :)

Hello Family!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes:) This is definitely a birthday to remember! The big 20, no more teens for me! But... I'll always be a kid at heart! Today we went to Central Park and all played kickball as a zone. It was the most beautiful sunny spring today, nice and warm in the 70's with a little breeze. So many people were out enjoying the sun and their spring break! After kickball us sisters went and we walked around and had a little picnic in the park. I love Central Park! It's so beautiful!! I can't believe I'm here in New York and I got to spend this birthday here as a missionary. I love serving my Heavenly Father and I know that this is where he needs me to be:) I sure am one lucky missionary though:)

This week we had Zone Conference which was wonderful! One thing I wrote down that I really liked was "Changing behavior without the Savior isn't repentance." We must remember the Savior as we change and become better, because He is what makes it possible to change our hearts and our nature. Repentance really is cool:)

Ana and Sal are doing great! They are so prepared! We had our first real lesson with them on Thursday and we just set expectations with them and helped them understand our purpose. Before we even asked, Sal was like, "So when are you going to baptize me?" They truly are seeking the truth! Ana wants to be more sure before she commits, but they don't even hesitate to act on what's good. They are so open and prepared:) Plus they are super funny! Sal wants to be a missionary so bad! And he basically thinks I'm just a chill, peaceful, down to earth person, who seems like I like to just bake cookies. He told us that like five times haha! But it was nice to realize that the reason I am able to be that way is because of Jesus Christ. If we have a foundation on Christ, then we can make it through whatever rocky ups and downs come our way. I'm grateful for the foundation that He gives me:)

Funny quote from the week: "I don't want a head on a platter, I want a CAKE!" - Milagros. She is one of our less actives and she was talking about how in the Bible when someone asked for John the Baptists head for her birthday. The things that come up when we talk to people... haha! We were dying because her and her daughter Stephanie are just hilarious! 2nd funny quote, from Stephanie this time. Milagros was around the corner in the kitchen like 7 feet away, cause NY apartments. She yelled mom like 3 times and Milagros didn't respond so Stephanie goes "Sometimes my mom can't hear me cause we live in a mansion." Just the way she casually said it was hilarious! Maybe you have to be there in the moment for those... but it was funny:)

We had Stake Conference and our Stake Presidency got reassigned because our Stake President, President Buckner, was just called to be in the Quorum of the 70:) The 2nd counselor of the presidency that just got released, President Gonzalez, bore a powerful testimony that really hit me. He talked about how every structure and building needs framework when it's being built to support it until it's strong enough to stand on its own. It needs support until the cement or scaffolding is hardened and solid. Our callings in the church are our framework, and when they are removed we can then stand strong on our own. Heavenly Father gives them to us to prepare and strengthen us. I am so grateful for this framework as a missionary to build me up. I pray that I can become strong the way Heavenly Father needs me to be, so that I can stand strong when the framework is removed. I love being a missionary, I love this gospel, and I love my Savior. I'm grateful for my Father's plan, and for His love for each one of us. He's building me up and He's building you up every day! And someday, we will be able to stand strong in His presence:) 

I love you all! Enjoy your Easter:) #PrinceOfPeace (If you haven't seen the video you should watch it!)

Love, Sister Johnson 

Kickball in Central Park


Sarah ran into some friends from Farmington at Central Park. Stockton Welch was a drum major with Sarah and this is his family! Stockton is currently on his mission 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

General Conference

Hello Family!

This week was great:) To start off, we had a nice little miracle on Monday night. Heavenly Father really is in the details of our lives. We looked up a former investigator, who actually ended up being a member! So, here's the details from the beginning. A few weeks ago we had dinner with some members who asked if we had any people we were working with around them. We didnt, but the next day I checked area book to see if there was anyone close. I found a former investigator named Raquel a block away so I just stuck her on my map. Then Monday night we were close by so we looked her up. She's this nice old lady and it turns out she went to church in Puerto Rico and was baptized there with her dad! So we got her information and got her membership record into the ward! So lesson learned, God really does know His children and he's in the details:) (other lesson is that feeding the missionaries really does help build up His kingdom😉 If it weren't for our members, we wouldn't have found her!)

We have an investigator named Nina who's been an investigator for just over a year now. She's gone through so much in her life and since I got here I hadn't heard her pray at all. She felt like she couldnt. But she prayed for the first time on Sister Nielsen's last day, and again this week with me and Sister Balley! Baby steps, but that's all He asks of us! It's exciting for us, so I can only imagine how exciting it is for Heavenly Father to hear her to pray! He loves every tiny baby step of progress we take, because he just wants us to come to Him!

So rewind to two or three weeks ago... remember the story of "We have 23 minutes to change someone's life!"? Well one of the two people we met that night was Ana Arias. We went to see her again last week and she wasn't there, but her son Salvatore (Sal) was so we taught him. Long story short, they're both really interested, they came to General Conference, they're amazing, we love them, and we're so grateful that Heavenly Father has prepared them and led us to them! Honestly, they already seem like members! They're so kind and just comfortable to be around. So we're really excited about them:) We feel like once we actually have a sit down Restoration lesson with them, it will really make sense for them!:)

General Conference was wonderful, and I'm sad it's already over. I was so so happy, as I'm sure we all were, to hear President Monson speak:) The Book of Mormon is so important. I love when he said, "If you are not reading the Book of Mormon everyday," and then his voice changed to even more love and he finished "please do so." So simple yet powerful:) No condemnation just pure love, just like the Savior. There were so many good talks, SO MANY!! I loved all the talks about small and simple things like daily scripture study, daily prayer, and taking the sacrament weekly. I also loved Elder Bragg's about the light of the Gospel and Russell M. Nelson's about Jesus Christ. I loved Elder Holland's about music and being part of God's choir and Elder Rasband's about following promptings (and his shout out to our mission! NYNYN!). I loved it all:)

A few funnies for the week:) Sister Balley almost got hit by a car cause she was looking at her shoes, but I saved her life;). We have close to zero self discipline when it comes to pastries. We walked past a bakery and tried so hard to resist, but one big whiff of cinnamon sent us walking away with a big cinnamon roll and a smile. And last but definitely not least haha! While showing the Easter Initiative, Prince of Peace, we literally had a girl RUN away. We don't know if she just suddenly felt uncomfortable or what, but she just quickly said she had to leave and she started running away haha! Missionary life is the best:)

Make it a great week!
Love, Sister Johnson