Hey Family!!
So many things happen in one week it's crazy! But I tried to write down my favorite experiences so I can tell them to you! One random fact... I've seen 12 broken fire hydrants since I've been here in Harlem haha!
We had a "The Best Two Years" moment this week! Remember in the movie when Elder (I can't remember his name and I've been trying to remember all week! The new Elder) decided to fast and Elder Roger's wasn't very excited. Then he asks Elder Roger's where they should go after a while and they go to the grocery store and meet the guy and then the new Elder is like, how did you know to come here? And Elder Roger's says "indigestion" and the other Elder says "Inspiration?!" Yep that happened! We had to stop at the church to grab something and then we were really hungry so we decided just to go get food then and just stay out later rather than go home earlier. So we got our food and went back to the church to eat it. As soon as we got to the church two guys came that wanted a tour of the church. So we went to the different floors and talked about the church and the gospel and the diferent pictures there. Then we ended at the chapel and it was so peaceful and you could feel the spirit. They were so surprised that there wasn't a cross anywhere! They looked all over and once they were sure there was no cross anywhere I said "The reason we don't have a cross is because we don't focus on His death. Instead we celebrate that He lives! That He rose again so that we can live with God again." It was so simple but the spirit was so strong. We felt it and they felt it. I know the Savior lives:) So when we sat down to eat after they left we were like, "indigestion? No... inspiration!"
It's crazy how much I hum and sing hymns. Me and Sister Bongolto pretty much have a playlist programmed into our heads. Brightly Beams our Father's mercy, What was witnessed in the heavens (I don't even know that song we just hum it haha), the ice cream truck song (there are a thousand ice cream trucks that play the same song all day!), and the spirit of God. Oh and Let us rejoice! It's great:)
I had my first zone conference yesterday and it was AMAZING!!:) President and Sister Smith are amazing! We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and let me tell you, it's true! It is so true! I love the Book of Mormon so much and there is so much we can learn from it every single day! So read it! Every single day! We talked so much about how this is God's work. It's all in His hands but he uses us as His hands to give us the chance to experience and help in his work. I can't even explain all the thoughts, feelings, and impressions from the spirit I received yesterday but it was powerful. And the spirit said to me as I sat and looked at all the wonderful missionaries there, "How lucky are we?" How lucky are we to be here as servants of the Lord in His work. I love it so much. I am so far from perfect and it's humbling to see how many redos Heavenly Father gives me every single day. But with His help I can do it and I can do my best:)
Also, Joseph Smith is my hero. Always has been and always will be, but I figured out more of why! He had the courage to do anything the Lord asked, yet he had the humility to know it was God's work and he couldn't do it without Him.
Cool Experience! So we tried to knock on a referrals door but she wasn't there so we prayed to know if we should stay and tract or go. We felt good about either so we decided to go but as we were walking out I had pulled out the Book of Mormon for a little extra guidance and the verse I read said "... I remained, with the remainder of my army, in that same place where we had first pitched our tents..." and at the same time Sister Bongolto had a hard time opening the second door to get out so we were both like, maybe we should stay, let's say a prayer. We were stuck between the two doors so we could either leave or we needed someone who lived there to come and unlock the door (they lock once they close). We said a prayer and as soon as we finished someone came home to the apartment building. So we stayed! We walked to the 5th floor and said a prayer to find a family because we knew we were here for a reason. We said amen and a young boy and his dad walked out the door. We talked to the mom who was there and shared the Restoration with her. Haha what?! It was crazy to see the timing and the miracle of finding this family. This really is God's work and I am so honored and blessed to be a part of it!
I love you all so much! Make it a great week and don't forget to read from the Book of Mormon every single day!:)
Love, Sister Johnson
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P-day at The Met with Sister Bongolto! We had a party at The Met. We would pose like the paintings and the statues and it was hilarious haha! Here are two of the best ones:) |
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Me and Sister Bongolto's turn haha! There could not have been a better statue for the two of us;) |
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Sister Terry and Sister Roper modeling wonderfully this picture of a creepy lady and a weirded out lady haha! I love them! |
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I survived my first crazy rainstorm while out proselyting! Wahoo for rain! |
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The wonderfully big rainbow of Harlem:) Harlem is the BEST! |
Us soaking wet after running through the rain to one of our investigators apartments. |